Oil Pump Jack in Texas | Wikipedia Commons
Oil, which formed from ancient plants and animals deposited some 500 million years ago, is the world's primary fuel source for transportation and has been a defining force of our times. Oil created economies, but also condemned them; shaped political boundaries, but also bought them; won wars, but also created them; remade the urban environment, but also polluted it; released a low price tag, but "externalized" its true costs; created jobs, but abused rights and degraded health. Everything good that has come from oil has come at a price far higher than what you see plastered on billboards over gas stations - a price that nature and society shouldn't have to endure so heavily and an addiction that unless triumphed, will cause climate catastrophe and all of the subsequent ills that follow. Oil continues to play a substantial role in society, but may become a uniquely 20th century phenomenon as the world quickly burns through our supplies of oil, which at current rates, are estimated to dwindle by the middle of the 21st century. With oil reserves becoming harder to reach and more expensive to extract, the fossil fuel industry has been turning to more unconventional sources of heavier crude oils, such as tar sands and oil shale, which is the equivalent of drug addicts running out of veins in their arms and legs and turning to their toes. Tar sands is the most destructive oil project on Earth, the most toxic fossil fuel on the planet and according to the world's leading, most respected climatologist James Hansen, tar sands oil is a global warming time bomb and "game over" for the climate. Oil shale is obtained through hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking", in an extremely water-intensive process where millions of gallons of mixed water, sand and chemicals, including ones known to cause cancer, are injected underground at very high pressures to fracture the rocks surrounding an oil or gas well and release the oil or gas from the rocks to flow into the well, which is causing a new global water crisis and according to Food and Water Watch, is "threatening the air we breathe, water we drink, communities we love and climate on which we all depend." Learn more.
The True Cost of Oil
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Last Revised: 11/20/13
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